
5. Yellow-Gold Pearl

This pearl asks that you find that place inside yourself where there is constant awe at the totally miraculous state of the universe. From the tiniest cell busily carrying out a perfect little cycle of life to everything that happens in your life, from the people you meet to the events that occur, everything is a total miracle, and all of it deserves your awe.
Final price: 499,00NOK
Every bit of traditional value is indicated by this pearl. Humans value both pearls and gold - and this combination 
shows you why. Gold is the colour of enlightenment, and yellow is the colour of joy, and Ascension is a by-product
of joy. There is no quicker way to lift the vibration on the planet and within yourself than to find joy. The only
way into heaven is like a small child, and what a small child has that you may have lost is a state of wonder with
all that exists. This pearl asks that you find that place inside yourself where there is constant awe at the totally
miraculous state of the universe. From the tiniest cell busily carrying out a perfect little cycle of life to
everything that happens in your life, from the people you meet to the events that occur, everything is a total miracle,
and all of it deserves your awe. When you begin to look at the world with childlike amazement you activate a bubble
joy inside and begin to see the total perfection that brought you to this life and this world. When you feel that joy
you set up a vibration that will eventually touch everyone and everything around you, and as they feel it too, the
feeling spreads. In the end, just by loving each moment, you will find that you have shifted the planet right into
the next dimension.

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Mob.: 913 66 146
E-post: rita@ritasusegg.no