
23. The Gold Dragon


This dragon activates power. Use this essence to activate your ancient wisdom and your ability to see clearly. He heals the fear of being psychic. He helps you to manifest magically.
Final price: 449,00NOK

This dragon activates power – true raw power that brooks no argument.  He can and has moved mountains and he reminds you that you can do the same.  He is rich and abundant and wild and he allows you to be that too. 

Use this essence to activate your ancient wisdom and your ability to see clearly.  This dragon helps to clear imbalances of the third eye as gold is the complementary colour of royal blue which relates to the third eye. He helps in letting go of the fear of being psychic and supports you in manifesting consciously and magically all that you desire. 

Helps release judgments on what you have perceived to be abuse of power.

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Mob.: 913 66 146
E-post: rita@ritasusegg.no